Your networking platform: Franchise Meet Up!

The Franchise Expo Paris networking platform, available from February 24 until April 7.
Franchise Meet Up! is the essential tool to prepare your show. The platform is accessible to exhibitors and visitors who already have their badge.

I am a visitor

You already have your badge? As a visitor, you will be able to add exhibitors to your favorites, send messages and meeting requets.
Liste des exposants

The exhibitors' list

Consult the list of exhibitors: use the themes and filters of the sector of activity, the personal contribution requested and the desired development areas to find the brands that suit you.
According to the information provided when ordering your badge, exhibitors are recommended to you and the percentage of affinity is displayed to facilitate your selection.
Les favoris


Find the exhibitors selected in the favorites section: you can contact them and send them a message and a request for an appointment from February 20th.
L'agenda et les demandes de rendez-vous

Your schedule and meeting requests

Access your schedule: the meeting requets sent, confirmed and received by exhibitors.
You must declare when you are available during the 3 days. Meetings during the expo are 20 minutes long, and will only take place face-to-face, on the exhibitor's booth, or in a co-working area.

Please note: Answer to all the requests you receive.

The Chat

You can send and receive messages from exhibitors, before or after receiving a meeting request.

I am an exhibitor

As an exhibitor, you will be able to send meeting requests and discuss with all the participants of the show; whether they are visitors or exhibitors themselves.
La liste des visiteurs

Visitors list

Consult the list of visitors and use the filters to find profiles that match your profile.
Based on the information entered in your profile, profiles are recommended to you, and the percentage of affinity is displayed to make your selection easier.
La liste des exposants

The list of exhibitors

Visit the list of the other exhibitors.
Le planning de rendez-vous

Appointment schedule

Access your meeting schedule and suggest meetings to the project leaders you are interested in. Access the list of 20-minute slots per day on your stand and confirm visitors' requests for meetings.

Please note: answer to any requests you receive from visitors.
La messagerie

The Chat

You can send and receive messages to participants, before or after receiving an appointment request.

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