Monday, September 4, 2023

No point in waiting for the idea of the century to get started

Create your business
No point in waiting for the idea of the century to get started
Alexandre Mars shares his experience in business creation and explains what he would have liked to have known several years ago before he set about creating his first businesses. Here is a look back on his presentation at the last edition of Franchise Expo Paris in March 2023.

According to Alexandre Mars, there is no need to wait to have a brilliant idea before you launch your business! There is no such thing as a big idea or a small idea: there is simply the idea that is in phase with who you are and what you want to do. If you wait for the idea of the century, there is every chance that you will never get started. By wanting to unearth “The Big Idea”, you put yourself under huge pressure that will do nothing other than hold you back. Bear in mind that you can be successful with an activity that already exists, and you don’t necessarily have to invent something that’s never been done before. Find an activity that you feel good doing, or where you’re good at what you do, which will allow you to make money, etc.

To succeed in business, Alexandre Mars also recommends identifying what you are interested in, because you are going to be working hard and if it’s not in phase with what motivates you, it might become difficult for you, and you might not commit yourself fully to the project. You must also define what you’re good at, and maybe what you excel in, but also identify a project that is feasible and not set out on an endeavour that is unachievable.

The entrepreneur then turns to an essential subject that is worth investigating: should there be competition in the sector in which you intend to do business? Caution is the key here, since if there is no competition, it might be because there isn’t a market. As a result, there might not be any demand. Hence the importance of carrying out a market survey to identify demand and needs.

With an array of tips to successfully launch your business, he offers you his vision and analyses what makes a successful entrepreneur.

 A stimulating and worthwhile talk to watch and watch again!